Sunday 20 March 2016


I have the impression that as a student of French studies I should show you more French songs. Yes... I think I should. When I was growing up in my house there was a lot of French music (and because of that I fell in love with this language). Anyway, there is many talented French singers and artists who are not famous in Poland. I suppose that the Polish people know only Edith Piaf and Joe Dassin (who was an American by the way). However, the younger audience should know Alysée, Zaz or Stromae. I would like to familiarize you with less known French musicians and today I am going to start with Patrick Bruel and his song Tout s'efface.

Patrick Bruel, born in Algeria in 1959 is a French singer but also an actor who acted in more that 40 film productions however as a musician he made five studio albums. As a curiosity I can you say that in addition to acting and singing he is also a world class poker player.

The song Tout s'efface is very, very, very melancholic and obviously romantic song about unfulfilled love :) Moreover I think that it isn't song only about love but also about hope which helps all people, hopelessly and unlickly loved. Even if a relationship between two people is ended, there is always hope that one day both of them will meet someone else. Yes, I know, this is quite trivial, isn't it? :)

In my opinion, Patrick Bruel as a very gifted artist is great in so-called "storytelling". I love the way he tell the love stories, especially because of the sadness in his voice and... in his eyes that you can check in the video above. Enjoy the song :)

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