Saturday 31 October 2015


Hello everyone!

I would like to invite you to my world full of good music which is indispensable part of my life. I listen to music every day, in every free moment. It gives me a lot of happiness, respite and power, so I would like to share my passion with you!

The first song which a want to show you is the song called Sombody to die for of the British band Hurts, that (I suppose) most of you already knows. You can find this song on their second album called Exile.

In my opinion this is a very good composition full of emotions because this song talk about a desire to love and be loved. On the video clip you can also notice a lot of religious symbols like the cross which makes us think about the suffering and the sucrifice as well. That's way in this song the duet Hurts sings about love which can overcome the death. However, I must admit that, for me the music is more important than lyrics! That's why I listen to a lot of soundtracks and classic music. I appreciate very much the music for this song, because we can notice almost every instrument like piano, guitar or drum. I don't like the electric sounds so I'm glad we have here the pure music.
I hope you will enjoy this song and the next time I would like to show you something more classic and maybe more... sophisticated? :)
Let me know if you like this band or no (and why!)



  1. Well, to be honest there seem to be a lot of bands making music of this kind and they all sound very alike. But I'm sure one can find some unique features after hearing a few songs. Keep on sharing your favourite music! This is a great way of getting to know other people, and letting them know you better :-)

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